“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”
Is there Meaning and Order to Life, or Is it purely a random and chaotic universe?
Astrology and Numerology are two different but related studies that help discover personality traits and characteristics, communication styles, relationship outlooks, career qualities, and life cycles based on the influence of celestial bodies and numbers.
Astrology studies how the movements of the planets, stars, and other heavenly bodies affect human affairs and events. Numerology studies how the numbers and letters in your name and birth date reveal your inner nature and destiny. Both systems help to understand your place in the Universe and awaken the energies that flow within and around you.
Combining Astrology and Numerology with Coaching and Facilitating gives a more profound and faster insight into yourself, others, or a specific situation. The two systems can objectively view personalities, characteristics, potential, talent, and critical life cycles. They can also help you align your actions with your purpose and vision and positively impact your work and relationships.
The goal of using Astrology and Numerology is not to predict the future but to bring clarity and insight to what is happening in your life now, what has happened in your past, or what may happen in your future. The two systems tap into:
personality, character, innate drive
financial habits
life cycle
communication style
emotional intelligence
intimate nature
relationship compatibility
strengths and weaknesses
life path, career possibilities
friends, social awareness
creative capabilities, spiritual awareness
Please contact me if you are ready to take your life to the next level.